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SEPTEMBER 22, 2022

Alaska 529 announces sponsorship of Fairbanks Children’s Museum exhibit: Illustrating Alaska

Alaska 529 has partnered with the Fairbanks Children’s Museum to sponsor a new exhibit, Illustrating Alaska: Artists Making Children’s Books through January, 2023. The traveling exhibit highlights the colorful and intriguing process of children’s book illustraton by following the processes of four Alaska artists as they create children’s books.

Illustrating Alaska Launch Party

“On top of incredibly engaging content meant for both children and adults, the exhibit itself is simply breathtaking, and we can’t wait for the public to lay eyes on it,” said Meredith Maple, executive director of the Fairbanks Children’s Museum.

The exhibit features artwork hung at a height easily viewable by children. “Although it is accessible to adults, we want the kids to know that this is an exhibit for them.”

The exhibit follows the process from developing text to creating sketches, then on to the concept of “finals,” followed by the final product of the book itself. Visitors are encouraged to try their hand at illustration. They can experience what different artist studios feel like, sit at an artist’s desk, and create thumbnail sketches. In the reading area, visitors are invited to find a cozy seat to explore and read stacks of children’s books by Alaska authors. Groups participating in the workshop view a video with illustrators answering kids’ questions. There is an animated telling of Shanyaak’utlaax Salmon Boy in Tlingit with English subtitles from Sealaska Heritage, a process demo of an artist digitally coloring mountain goats, and two authors reading their stories.

“We are ecstatic to support the Museum’s efforts to bring the exciting process of children’s book illustration to life through this exhibit,” said Lael Oldmixon, executive director of Alaska 529. “Children’s books serve a critical role in launching a love of reading, and we know that the first spark can lead to a lifetime of learning and curiosity.”

The exhibit is located at the Fairbanks Children’s Museum, 302 Cushman St, Suite 101, and visitors can view it by purchasing admission to the museum. The museum is open from 10 am - 7 pm Tuesday through Thursday, and 10 am - 5 pm on Saturday.

Visit Why Alaska 529 to learn more about how an Alaska 529 account can help you invest for your family’s future and help bring your children’s sparks to life.

The exhibit follows the process from developing text to creating sketches, then on to the concept of “finals,” followed by the final product of the book itself. Visitors are encouraged to try their hand at illustration. They can experience what different artist studios feel like, sit at an artist’s desk, and create thumbnail sketches. In the reading area, visitors are invited to find a cozy seat to explore and read stacks of children’s books by Alaska authors. Groups participating in the workshop view a video with illustrators answering kids’ questions. There is an animated telling of Shanyaak’utlaax Salmon Boy in Tlingit with English subtitles from Sealaska Heritage, a process demo of an artist digitally coloring mountain goats, and two authors reading their stories.

“We are ecstatic to support the Museum’s efforts to bring the exciting process of children’s book illustration to life through this exhibit,” said Lael Oldmixon, executive director of Alaska 529. “Children’s books serve a critical role in launching a love of reading, and we know that the first spark can lead to a lifetime of learning and curiosity.”

The exhibit is located at the Fairbanks Children’s Museum, 302 Cushman St, Suite 101, and visitors can view it by purchasing admission to the museum. The museum is open from  10 am - 7 pm Tuesday through Thursday, and 10 am - 5 pm on Saturday. 

Learn more about how an Alaska 529 account can help you invest for your family’s future and help bring your children’s sparks to life.  

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