Prices and performance
Whether you're researching investment options or monitoring the portfolio you've invested in, our historical performance is updated daily to show you the standardized total returns of our investments. You can also view the daily prices for each of our Alaska 529 portfolios.
Enrollment-based portfolios - prices and performance
The enrollment-based portfolios are target date investments composed of one or more T. Rowe Price stock and bond mutual funds. These portfolios' investments are aligned with a projected enrollment year and automatically shift as your target date approaches.
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The performance data shown represent past performance. Current performance may be higher or lower than the quoted past performance, which cannot guarantee future results. Unit price, principal value, and return will vary, and you may have a gain or loss when you take a distribution or change to a different investment option.
Total return figures include changes in principal value and any reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions. For portfolios less than 1 year old, the since-inception return figure is not annualized and represents an aggregate total return. Dividends and capital gains distributed by the underlying mutual funds become income to the portfolios. However, Alaska 529 portfolios (except for the Money Market Portfolio) do not declare any dividends or capital gains, so changes in total return are reflected by changes in net asset value.
All investments are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. Stocks can decline for many reasons, including adverse political or economic developments here or abroad, changes in investor psychology, or heavy institutional selling. Bonds may decline in response to rising interest rates, a credit rating downgrade, or failure of the issuer to make timely payments of interest or principal. Foreign investments are subject to additional risks, including potentially adverse political and economic developments overseas, greater volatility, less liquidity, and the possibility that foreign currencies will decline against the dollar.
Static portfolios - prices and performance
Static portfolios are fixed investments composed of one or more T. Rowe Price mutual funds. Unlike enrollment-based portfolios, static portfolios do not change their investment mix over time. Portfolios with greater stock allocations generally carry higher risk and the opportunity for higher returns, while portfolios with more bond and money market funds generally offer less risk and lower returns. You can move your assets to a more conservative or aggressive portfolio up to two times per year per beneficiary.
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Money Market Portfolios
The performance data shown represent past performance. Current performance may be higher or lower than the quoted past performance, which cannot guarantee future results. Unit price, principal value, and return will vary, and you may have a gain or loss when you take a distribution or change to a different investment option.
You could lose money by investing in the Money Market Portfolio. Although the money market fund in which this Portfolio invests seeks to preserve its value at $1.00 per share, the underlying money market fund cannot guarantee it will do so. An investment in this Portfolio is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The underlying money market fund's sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the underlying fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the underlying money market fund at any time.
Total return figures include changes in principal value and any reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions. For portfolios less than 1 year old, the since inception return figure is not annualized and represents an aggregate total return. Dividends and capital gains distributed by the underlying mutual funds become income to the portfolios. However, Alaska 529 portfolios (except for the Money Market Portfolio) do not declare any dividends or capital gains, so changes in total return are reflected by changes in net asset value.
All investments are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. Stocks can decline for many reasons, including adverse political or economic developments here or abroad, changes in investor psychology, or heavy institutional selling. Bonds may decline in response to rising interest rates, a credit rating downgrade, or failure of the issuer to make timely payments of interest or principal. Foreign investments are subject to additional risks, including potentially adverse political and economic developments overseas, greater volatility, less liquidity, and the possibility that foreign currencies will decline against the dollar.
*Yields for the Money Market Portfolio represent the average daily dividends for the 7 days, annualized by 365 days and divided by the net asset values per share at the end of the period. Year-to-date figures are not annualized and represent total return, which includes reinvested distributions (income and capital gains) and any change in unit price for the given period. The yield quotation more closely reflects the current earnings of the Money Market Portfolio than the total return. Alaska 529 is established and maintained by the Education Trust of Alaska. The '7-Day Yield without waiver' represents the portfolio yield without the deduction of any fee waivers. In a low U.S. interest rate environment, the Education Trust of Alaska has the ability to waive the Program Fee (and, if necessary, the Trust Fee) for the Money Market Portfolio in order to maintain a zero or positive net yield. Those fees are not currently being waived. Please see the Plan Disclosure Document for details.
University of Alaska portfolio - prices and performance
This balanced portfolio of stock, bond, and money market funds offers a unique tuition-value guarantee when used for payment of tuition at the University of Alaska. A beneficiary may use funds from this portfolio for any other purpose or at any other institution, but in those cases, the guarantee does not apply.
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The portfolio description and asset allocations for each underlying fund are as of the most recent Plan Disclosure Document and related supplements; the allocations may be higher or lower than shown. Please see the Plan Disclosure Document and related supplements for the most recent portfolio description, portfolio composition, and neutral allocation information.
T. Rowe Price mutual funds compose the underlying investments of each of the portfolios.
The principal value of the Enrollment-Based Portfolios is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the target enrollment date. The portfolios invest in a broad range of underlying mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and short-term investments and are subject to the risks of different areas of the market. The portfolios emphasize potential capital appreciation during the early phases of asset accumulation, balance the need for appreciation with the need for income as matriculation approaches, and focus more on income and principal stability after matriculation. While moving assets into bond and money market funds can help lower investment risks, there is no guarantee against loss. The portfolios maintain a substantial allocation to equities both prior to and after the target enrollment date, which can result in greater volatility.